5 Air Conditioning Mistakes That Spike Your Bills

Heat Stroke

We all know how great AC can be. It’s a lifesaver during those hot summer days. But did you know that there are a few air conditioning mistakes that could be costing you money? In this blog post, we will explore a few of these common mistakes so that you can avoid them in the future. From over-cooling your home to not changing your filter, read on to learn more about how you can keep your AC bills low.

1. Cooling an Empty Room

Air Conditioning Mistakes - Cooling an empty room

In the summer, one of the most common mistakes is cooling an empty room. This is a waste of energy and money, as you are essentially cooling the entire house for no reason. If you’re going to be out of the house for a while, make sure to turn off your AC so that you’re not paying to cool an empty room.

2. Putting the AC Unit in Direct Sunlight

Air Conditioning Mistakes - Putting the AC Unit in Direct Sunlight

Putting the AC unit in direct sunlight is one of the most common blunders that spike your bills. The reason for this is because the sun heats up the AC unit, causing it to work harder and use more energy. If you must put your AC unit in direct sunlight, make sure to shade it with a tarp or other material to keep it cool.

3. Poorly Positioning the Thermostat and Vents

Air Conditioning Mistakes - Poorly Positioning the Thermostat and Vents

One of the most common blunders is poorly positioning the thermostat and vents. If your thermostat is positioned in an area that gets a lot of sun exposure, it will cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary to cool down your home. Additionally, if you have vents placed in areas where furniture or other objects are blocking them, this can also restrict airflow and cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary.

4. Setting the Thermostat Too Low

Air Conditioning Mistakes - Setting the Thermostat Too Low

One of the most common mistakes is setting the thermostat too low. While it may feel good to have the temperature set at 65 degrees, this is actually putting a strain on your AC unit. Your AC unit will have to work harder to maintain that low temperature, which will cause your energy bills to increase. Additionally, setting the thermostat too low can cause your AC unit to freeze up, which can lead to costly repairs.

5. Not Using Fans

Air Conditioning Mistakes - Not using fans

In the summer, fans are key to circulate air and prevent your home from feeling stuffy. However, many people make the mistake of not using fans, which can actually spike your bills. Without a fan, your air conditioner has to work harder to cool your home, which uses more energy and costs you more money. In addition, fans help to evenly distribute the cool air throughout your home, so that you’re not just cooling one room. If you want to save money on your energy bills this summer, make sure to use ceiling fans or portable fans in every room to help circulate the air.